Post by brook1965 on Aug 2, 2009 12:24:04 GMT -5
I have a couple of questions that I would like to ask you guys the resident experts.
Here are the laws that I seek clarification: It is unlawful to Take wild animals by trapping with any steel-jaw, leg-hold or Conibear-type trap unless the trap:
b. is horizontally offset with a closed-jaw offset of at least 3/16 of an inch for a trap with a jaw spread of more than 5 1/2 inches. This provision does not apply if the trap is set in the water with a quick-drown type set.
Set a steel-jaw or leghold trap on dry land with solid anchor with a trap chain longer than eight inches from trap to anchor, unless fitted with a shock-absorbing device with at least 40 lbs. and not more than 75 lbs. of pull.
Question 1- Does this only apply if the jaw spread exceeds 5.5 inches? I own 1.5 coils and some Nr2 Longsprings
Question 2: So on all my traps I have to shorten the chain to 8 inches or have shock springs to satisfy this requirement
Thanks everybody, I appreciate it!
Post by Ldsoldier on Aug 2, 2009 17:19:15 GMT -5
It is unlawful to Take wild animals by trapping with any steel-jaw, leg-hold or Conibear-type trap unless the trap is horizontally offset with a closed-jaw offset of at least 3/16 of an inch for a trap with a jaw spread of more than 5 1/2 inches.
Answer: Any trap with a jaw spread of 5.5" or less does not need to be offset, just smooth. Any trap with a jaw spread greater than 5.5" must have an offset of at least 3/16 of an inch.
It is unlawful to set a steel-jaw or leg hold trap on dry land with solid anchor with a trap chain longer than eight inches from trap to anchor, unless fitted with a shock-absorbing device with at least 40 lbs. and not more than 75 lbs. of pull.
Answer: If using a solid anchor (note, a drag doesn't constitute a "solid" anchor) a steel-jaw or foothold (leg hold) trap can not have a chain longer than 8 inches unless there is a shock spring meeting the stated requirements attached to it. There are several shock springs on the market that meet this requirement. J.C. Conner makes one and I can't remember the other 2 off the top of my head.
Post by varmintshooter on Aug 2, 2009 20:53:11 GMT -5
And just to add a little more fun to it. If you use a cable or chain type anchor, then you measure from the anchor to the trap. A 14" cable and a 6" chain will measure 20" from trap to anchor. All that will probably be measured will be from the ground level to the trap. Safest thing until the law is changed is use re-rod or put a spring on it.
Post by brook1965 on Aug 3, 2009 18:40:44 GMT -5
I use pogo anchors. I can get me some springs though or start whacking some of my chain lengths off. And I can understand the purpose of them seemingly crazy laws! Thanks guys I appreciate it.
Post by varmintshooter on Aug 4, 2009 19:03:01 GMT -5
They were not all that bad of laws 30 years ago, their just outdated now with newer and better equipment.